Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. Helen Keller

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Todays Economy

Well you all know that the economy is at its worst.They say we are in a recession and the government says we aren't..I know better because I am smart enough to see through the smoke screen they keep putting up..Our country has always been in debt and it has gotten worse through the years..I don't understand why it is such a surprise to people..I guess that they actually came out with numbers and figures now it got to big to cover up..I also think people have got lost in themselves and the new world that they forgot and trying to ban GOD from the world.He is making us all humble to trying see who all is actually with him..Have you seen how much more that you have turned to him now that we are all in need when we should had been there to start with????I bet even the people that retort against him are wishing that they had something to believe in or someone to answer a prayer..I am blessed I can say,I don't go to church much anymore,but I have always had faith..I have seen more hypocrits in a church than I have on the street..Now just because I dont go to church doesnt meann I dont believe and try to do the right thing all the time..For example, just because I live in a garage doesnt mean im a car..GOD has blessed me with wonderful people in my life and friends that wouldn't turn their backs on me for the world..I think we all need to be humble in our life every once in a while so we will not forget all the important things that GOD and and life has giving us..Well I hope you all have a blessed day and dont forget GOD will never give us so much we cant handle..