Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. Helen Keller

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another Wild Weekend At Wildcats

As most of you know it seems like I am the luckiest person for bad luck..Well a friend of mines birthday was over the weekend.I was invited to the B-Day party.Well wouldnt you know they had the party at a bar called POPS..This is your average redneck bar if any,only exception is they are the redneck rejects.So i load up in my truck(or blazer)about 7:00 and head to my friends house so I can catch a ride to the bar with them..(Now my intensions where to go to the party have fun,and catch a ride with them back to their house and crash for the night so I wouldnt have to drive intoxicated back home)..So I got there and we loaded up about 150 jello shots and stopped by the liquior store and got 4 bottles of booze for the party.Finally we show up..All is gooing good threw the night and let me tell you the jello shots where strong,arrrr.Well this guy came in that I know from around town and started congragateing ate our table.Me and him have never really talked much but knew one another.He got an urge to(as he always does) get some stuff going.Well he had one of his buddies come sit next to me and strike up a conversation,it didnt go his way so the next thing i know I get sucker punched from behind from somebody,I dont know who.Soon as I was hit I jumped up from the table and the whole table went into the dance floor..I mean everything on the table,which was about 3 buckets of beer 5 bottles in each bucket,about 80 jello shots,and the 4 bottles of liquior..Know at this time somebody hit me in my nose to I hit the closest one to me.We where going at it when someone came up behind me and grabbed me..Well out of instinct I grabbed a bottle,spun around and busted his head with it.Next thing I know I have 5 people holding me back off this guy.The bouncers escorted me to the door and I went with no resistence..Dont know how many of them it would have took to whoop my ass but I knew how many they where gonna use,lol..Well a guy that was with us at the table I just met that night came out the door and said come with me im ready to leave anyway so we got in his truck and he took me to mine..Now the people I was gonna stay with was the people having the party,so I told them not to worry about me I will be fine I will just go home so yall stay and have a good time..Now I finally made it to my truck and its cold outside..The xheater in my truck hasnt worked in 3 yrs..So I fire it up and head down the road..At this time my windows are a little foggy but doing fine,from my stand point anyway..I have not traveled this road much and when I did it was always during the day..I get a call on me phone and start writing a # down on paper..You see how all the wrongs are coming together.Next thing I know my truck is airborn.(Bo and Luke Duke would had been proud of this one)Shit I drop everything and stand on the break.To late,I hit the other side and finally skided to a stop..Now at this time I am on about a 35 degree hill headed down.So I just put my truck in park,killed the motor and got out..I knew I was stuck.When I got out there was a guy standing on the top of the hill "hollering you all right".My reply was"Im alright,dont call the police"and he didnt.Instead he and his wife gave me ride home,which was very nice of them.I couldnt help but laugh the next day because all they could see was my tail lights and puff they disappeared..I got my truck back that night,a friend went and got it for me later that night and brought it home to me.Seems I am the luckiest person in the world if ya look at right..Could have went to jail twiced,walked away from a fight and a wreck with no more than the mud on my shoes..Think about it,lol...