Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. Helen Keller

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Old Friend

I have been contacted by an old friend I used to go to school with..Now me and him havent talked in a long time because of an incident that happened when we was in school..This not your tipical incident that happens to most people..Me and a bunch of friends got drunk and was riding back roads on night,we had probably 5 trucks,and it was raining its ass off so we was cutting up like hell..All the roads where of that red clay which is slicker than owl shit..Well my buddy was in a brand new Ford Ranger..We was cutting up ramping vehicles and all kinds of crap,things you would only do when drunk of course,lol..He wound up breaking his tire rod which is in front of the truck..This makes the truck undrivable..Well me and another guy said no problem we know where a trailer is and will get it and come back and get your truck..Well he passes out on the way to get trailer.So we took him home and said no prob we got this, your truck will be in the front yard when you get up in the morning..Well we drive out in the middle of BFE and get his truck..We are in a Chevrolet with a 350 and 4 wheel drive with a trailer with a truck on it coming down muddy ass roads..We take a curve and the truck slides off the trailer..Not completely but the muddy tires slide of to one side..Now we are in a delima here..We stop and theres no way to get around the trailer because the road is to muddy in the ditch on 1 side and a freaking hill on the other going down at a bout a 30 degree angle with about 12 ft pines all the way down..We are on a mountain side ppl..Just so happens the truck slide off the drop off side,yea we was drunk as hell laughing our ass off..Well I decide to go back to the farm and get a tractor so we inhooked from the trailer leaving both there..I came back 3 hrs later finally with tractor and proceded to pick truck up from the opposite of trailer to pick the truck up and set on trailer..Well what happens next I have no clue,I looked to the side at the hole I was in and looked up and the truck was GONE..The truck had slide off my forks and had rolled about 100 yrds down the side of the mountain taking out all the pine trees in its way..Now folks I dont care how drunk you are,you know when you have done screwed up royally,we where laughing our asses oft I siad OFT..We got back in truck and tractor and headed home..Buddy got up the next morning wondering where his truck was..I told him whole story and he just couldnt believe it..So after that we was kinda not good budds anymore but hey wasnt like we did it on purpose..But anyway,just old things..Maybe things will get better...